What is Reconciliation?

Reconciliation [REC-ON-CIL-I-A-TION]

noun-1. The action of reconciling

Root word Reconcile

verb-1. to restore to friendship or harmony 2. settle, resolve


Reconciliation has many terms in different context. Generally in the English language, reconciliation refers to the restoration and the process of unity. Simply put reconciliation is the process of forgiveness and making something right again. When we reconcile, we come back together. Think of it as gluing the pieces of broken vase back together.

The book Beginning with Benin is about The Goodwill Ambassador’s efforts for reconciliation with the African Diaspora and the World. You can take a deep look at reconciliation from the Editor’s Introduction and throughout the pages of the book. After you read please come back and make your comments about your understanding of reconciliation here. We’re waiting to hear from you.


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