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In December 1999, an international leaders’ conference on reconciliation and development (the International Conference) was held in Cotonou, Benin. In light of the discussions held in one of the four workshops of the International Conference, namely the workshop on the “Historical Heritage and the Reasons for Reconciliation” (see the Beninese Agency for Reconciliation and Development 2003), the participants agreed to use all available channels of communications and education to disseminate the message of reconciliation.

Therefore, I want to use this book to disseminate the message of reconciliation. I chose to write this book to give a voice to reconciliation education.

The right to education is a right for everybody: children, teenagers, adults etc…The devil is ready to use anybody to kill, steal and destroy. Therefore, everybody will need this book: Africans, Americans, Europeans, Asians, all people of the world regardless of their faith, race and gender the message of reconciliation is for all!