Kerekou was born in 1933 and passed away in 2015 at the age of 82. Among awards received by Kerekou, the following were three of them:

Chairman’s Eagles Prize ,Dr. Martin Luther King’s Dreamers Award, The Father of Reconciliation, and Freedom and Democratic Foundations for the 21st Century. 

The following is the record of the three awards in “From Africa to Africa Town, USA” by John H. Smith (Smith):

President Kerekou received the Chairman’s Eagles Prize from the Alabama Republican Council in 2003 for his accomplishment in freedom and democracy, the Alabama Southern Christian Leadership Conference’s Martin Luther King’s Dreamers Award for reconciliation and non-violence strategies in 2004, and The National Policy Alliance will award President Kerekou at the 2006 Forum, its Chairman’s Prize as the ‘Father of Reconciliation, Freedom and Democratic Foundations for the 21st Century. (Smith)


What is the African Diaspora?